Monday, October 4, 2010

Over the past few days...

Ugh. So I don't write for a few days and I forget what I've done. See, THIS is why I need a blog. Okay, Friday morning is a blur. All I remember is going to the gym and speaking to the most pretentious bastard of a training instructor I've ever met. He informed me that the 35 degree curve in my spine is because my (physician) mother was malnourished when I was in the womb. He also let me know that although skin cancer runs in my family, I should go into the sun and not wear sunscreen. He followed this by letting me know that skin cancer is man made. Oh, and then this bastard told me that everything from Alzheimer's to Bipolar disorder can be cured by proper nutrition and exercise and that medication of all kinds are useless and just harmful. These were just a few things we discussed in our hour long conversation. Or should I say battle? I was fuming by the time I left. Anyways, so that was the morning. I don't remember what I did after that. But in the evening, I met up with this guy and we chilled at a hookah bar and then explored the UCLA campus (along with its sewer system and rooftops).

Immediately following that, I went to a get together with my new acting scene partner and a few of his friends. At around 3 am, him and I left and went to Norms for some coffee, seeing that it was the only place open. We had never talked prior to this night, which is why I found it a bit odd that he invited me to be his date the following day to his fathers wedding. Funny thing is, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. A few months ago I met a guy at a job interview and after a few minutes of talking to him, he invited me to come to a wedding with him. I don't know what the deal is. I don't even like weddings. So, I managed to crawl back into bed at 7am and wake up at around noon.

The wedding was sufficiently awkward. Basically it consisted of me being introduced to this practical strangers' extended family and watching them shake his shoulders behind my back to congratulate him on "acquiring me". He kept trying to make moves on me, which wasn't really what I was interested in. The best part of the whole day was talking to the wedding singer who's name is Darren Criss. You'll probably hear more about him later on since he's just recently been cast in Glee.

I'm going to skip a few unpleseant details that upset me a bit later on, but basically, the night concluded at about 1:30 am with me driving home, in a lot of pain, wanting to cry but not being able to. I really think something is wrong with me. No matter how shitty I feel, I can't cry. I WANT to. Crying is one of the most cleansing feelings, especially when you feel like crap. I guess there isn't much I can do for that though. Maybe I should just be thankful that I'm not depressed anymore.

The next day was better. I don't remember doing too much, which was nice. I met up with my Uncle and his daughter at the Promenade by chance for a few minutes and then went to meet with my other acting scene partner in the park. Following that, I went to the gym for a bit until it closed at the early hour of 8 pm, since it was a Sunday.

When I got home from the gym, I had something very interesting occur at around 11:30 pm. I don't want to post it on here just yet, but basically...its got me ecstatic and extremely worried for the future of my emotional happiness. I've been doing fan-fucking-tastically over the past few months not being emotionally attached to anyone and I'm really concerned that someone might ruin that for me. I'm not sure if I should just let it happen. I mean, I know emotional attachment is a part of being human, but, there's got to be a way to bypass heartbreak.

Yesterday was fairly dull besides a bit of accidental networking at Starbucks. You really do meet some interesting people when you're least expecting it. Then I went to the gym to take advantage of the free classes it has to offer along with the ass-rape $50 per month membership I'm paying. I suck. It was entertaining. The best part of the gym though, is that for some hilarious and unknown reason, all of the trainers flock towards me to engage in conversation with me every time I come in. It makes me chortle.

Right now, I'm at a coffee shop somewhere in Hollywood. I kind of went on a driving adventure today. Just wanted to go to the Urban Outfitters on Melrose and ended up driving more than I expected. Its now cold and rainy out. This change in weather is ridiculous. Oh well, guess I better get back to doing something if I was doing that anyways. HAH. I'll try to write every day again. I don't like having to think back so far. heh.

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