Monday, September 27, 2010

R & R doesn't exist.

Short entry today.

So I was under the impression that today would consist of me sitting in my apartment and reading all day, trying to get better. Did that happen? Not at all. After an hour of dying in my sauna of an apartment, I decided a coffee shop was a better choice. Melting wasn't on my agenda for today. After a few hours of that, a friend dropped by and we wandered aimlessly for a few hours before he got a call that his ride was drunk, so I had to drive downtown to drop him off at home.

On another note (which I'll go into more detail about later), I bought this book called Old Souls. Its the most captivating book I've ever read. I'm an Agnostic and there isn't much that can change that, but this book is basically scientific proof (through case studies done by a brilliant psychiatrist on over 2,000 children ages 2-5 over a period of 37 years) that reincarnation exists. Its mind blowing. I recommend it to anyone who is curious.

Also, I feel a change of some sort coming. Not sure if its positive or negative. But, I have a feeling that it isn't good. I may elaborate on this later, depending on the results.

I have an acting scene to do in the morning, so, I suppose rest is necessary. Especially since I'm still healing. Until tomorrow.

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